Improving client communication with automation
Growing your business is hard work - but your greatest resource for new clients and opportunities is staring you right in the face: its your existing client-base. Treating your clients right and making them feel important is the key to establishing a long-lasting relationship.
While the actual deliverables that you offer your clients are of tantamount importance, how you make your client feel during the process is an equally vital part of client loyalty, and one that is too often overlooked - especially as you are growing your business. Client satisfaction comes in many forms, but going the extra mile doesn't necessarily have to take a lot of extra time. This is where automation can play a pivotal role. A correctly structured, well-timed automated message to a client can make them feel involved while you focus on getting the job done - often without the client even knowing that the message is automated.
Automation can be set up with everything from your company's newsletter to status updates on a project, to email reminders about upcoming appointments. In addition to improving client loyalty, automated communications can free up your staff to tackle bigger projects, and can reduce client anxiety as well.
Interested in setting up automated communications, but not sure where to start? Try a free service, like MailChimp, to create a few advance newsletters and schedule them for future sending to your client base. Ready to take it to the next level and automate more of your processes? Or need help creating content and determining where and when automations can benefit your company? That's where Chadsey Consulting comes in.